Saturday, April 25, 2009

Photographers! Let's Join Roadside Families!

I'm a pretty big fan of John Michael Cooper's style. He and his wife, Dalisa, started, a project for photographers called The Roadside Families Project. The concept draws photographers from all over the country together under one purpose: photographers never get in front of the camera with their families. The whole idea is to photograph another photographer and their family, send them the files, everyone be extremely happy, and the photographer that was shot then has 30 days to shoot another photographer's family and "pay forward" the favor.

You can join in by visiting the site and sending an email to get in contact with other photographers in the area that need to pay forward. Or, if there's nobody in your area, you can start your own chain. There are some easy to follow guidelines here.

I want to give it a shot, trigger happy style! Leave me a comment here, or email me at if you're a photographer that's interested in being shot for this project.

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